Wednesday, March 2, 2011


so there was a flood in my building that affected the storage lockers and half my locker get very wet the other half was okay but in attempt to clean up i thought i would sort it all out and discovered i really do keep everything here is some evidence of childhood trips...

is Kinney shoes still around?

1981 Burger King Contest - when $100,000 was impressive!

love those Caraffes!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Greg!

    My name is Antonella, and I'm from Bogota, Colombia. I'm now designing a business premises for taxi drivers and we're using pictures of taxis from all around the world to decorate it. We found a picture of the the typical Vancouver taxi at this page:

    I guess it's yours. If it is, I would like to know what are the requirements for its use.

    I'll appreciate a fast answer. This is the mail where you can contact me:




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